All Mindfuel Stories

Experimental artist diaries: Lino printmaking tips for beginners
Whether you’re looking to add more textural depth to your art, or explore a new skillset which bridges digital and analog art in an affordable and meditative way, lino printmaking may be right for you. Since adding it to my own process, I’ve found a lot of freedom in reproducing my work, especially at a larger scale.

Exploring opportunities in augmented reality & the metaverse
Art can take on a completely different form when depth and dimension is added to it. Just like translating digital images into lino or screen prints, with all their texture and imperfection, this is what excited me about the prospect of creating new experiences for augmented reality and the metaverse. Following the success of my first NFT collection in 2022, I went on to work on various projects which take my work into novel digital spaces.

How to find your voice as an emerging creative
Aaron McCauley of TLD&Friends – a designer-led community offering creative career support – shares his insight on growing and nurturing an emerging career. Aaron reveals his experience and key tips for becoming successful and adaptable within saturated creative industries.

Connecting the dots: Mindfulness and creativity
Mindfulness is the practice of living in the moment. This has many benefits, from reducing stress to helping us learn more about ourselves. Did you know – mindfulness also has the potential to unlock creative thinking.

Being your authentic self on social media
Our unique personalities influence our creativity: from what it looks like, to its authenticity. So why should our approach to social media be any different?

How to spark your creativity
Creativity it isn’t all that elusive – it takes on multiple different forms, and is an integral part of our human experience. If you feel that yours is missing, the odds are you just haven’t tapped into it yet.

Gratitude prompts for mindful journaling
There’s no one way to write a gratitude journal: this nostalgic practice can help you heal, self-reflect, improve your mental state of being, and become more efficient and productive in your work life too.

The mindful thinking checklist
Mindfulness can be integrated it into our daily work and play, without necessarily needing dedicated time for meditation. Our mindful thinking checklist is a 5-step plan which aims to provide an understanding of just how to keep it front of mind in our daily lives…